The topic this week for Illustration Friday is "Paisley". It seems like kind of a weird topic, but, wherever.
The first thing that came to mind when I heard the topic was the shape of the fireballs on Super Mario Bros for Nintendo. Ever since that game came out when I was like 7 or 8 I thought that the paisley pattern was a Mario fireball. I would be sitting in church and some lady in front of me would have a dress on with the paisley design on it and I thought it was a Mario fireball dress. So, I drew a scene from Super Mario Bros with Mario shooting some paisley fireballs. Enjoy.
(Okay now Nintendo geeks, I know that in my illustration Mario is not wearing his red and white fireball suit. Well, guess what? I don't really care. I pulled out my artistic license and drew what I wanted to draw. So, don't go all nerdy on me mmmkay.)
mwahahaha. Who's not going to like this rendition of Mario?
Who knew that all this time he was throwing paisley fire balls.
hehehee cool approach!
Thanks guys. I really had fun drawing this. I think I want to draw more "video game screen shots" from other classic NES games. I'm such a nerd.
Hey Mark! Great take on the subject and cool style! love the little story about the paisley dress too. So funny. My kids played Mario Bros so much when it first came out.... I still hear the music in my head sometimes. They are all grown now.... and I"m stuck in Marioland!
Actually, in the Super Smash Bros. games, Mario can throw fireballs regardless of his color scheme. In all seriousness though, good work!
Sweet. I've never played Super Smash Bros. So, my lack or regard for his color of clothing is okay. Looks like I'm off the hook.
That's a pretty highscore for World 1-1...
Yeah Spencer, it is a pretty high score. Too bad you're too young to get the joke. The number 8675309 is a phone number from a pretty famous song. Have your dad play it up for ya. I'm sure he has it. ;)
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