Let me explain. After much deliberation and exploration I've decided to give nerd girl a face lift, almost literally. I was having a hard time with finding a name and place for this character. My wife suggested a really good name for this character, but it didn't match. So, I'm changing her up to better match the name she came up with. The new name I think will fit my objective to use the same character for the
Illustration Friday topics.
I won't reveal the name just quite yet, because I feel a story brewing here with this character. So, for those of you who may have liked this red-headed nerd girl, don't worry, she's not dissappearing, she's just being put on the back burner while this new brunette version takes over. This new one is no longer a nerd. She just has terrible luck with things. So, from now on this new girl will take over as the topic appeasing one. Enjoy.
Oooo intrigued!! Looking forward to finding out what happens with both these girls! Love the IF pics by the way
Thanks Kev. I'm looking forward to the challenge of using the same character to illustrate every IF topic.
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