Monday, March 11, 2013

Good News and Bad News

Hey there blog followers. I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything for MONTHS! This is the reason for this post. I have some really GOOD news (for me) and BAD news (for you).

I have been REALLY swamped with work for a while. Which of course, is awesome. But, I've been so busy that I have neglected YOU, the reader. And for that, I apologize.

I've been working on a graphic novel for a small publisher, which I still can't talk about (NDA), and I just got hired by a website called MediaChalk to be their permanent artist. On top of these two time consuming jobs, I'm still doing commissions and logo design. So, my time has been far spent.

So, I'm sorry for the lack of posts, and hope that you can forgive me. I will do better at posting things when I can.

Thank you for understanding, you're awesome.

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