The topic for Illustration Friday this week is "Perspective"
So, I decided to put up this piece that I did a couple of weeks ago just for fun. I was trying my hand at some fake perspective. I didn't use anything but my gut and intuition on this, so if it looks terrible, then that's why. I'd like to make this a couple page spread for a book. That's why the principal's office has a name on it. Not too sure about the name, but I think it works for now. Anyways, enjoy.
Good idea for Perspective. What a scary thought for naughty kids.
This looks great -- has a good sense of forboding, that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling a kid gets when sent to the principal's office.
Or so I've been told. ; )
Thanks guys. I was actually kicking around the idea of flames or smoke coming from under the doorway to promote that foreboding feeling, but it was a little too over the top to the point where it was no longer foreboding and became whimsical, which is fine, but not what I wanted.
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