Hey everyone, just wanted to draw your attention to the first review of
The review is from Doctor Q, the media editor for Steampunk Chronicle. While I will admit that he didn't exactly give all of us a glowing review for our stories, he did however commend us on our efforts and what we're trying to accomplish as a group.

". . . I applaud illopond’s efforts immensely in this project. In a world largely dominated by large publishing companies, . . . the concept of this collective as a way for artists to put out short stories together as a theme, but yet still remain true to their own works is brilliant . . ."

But, of course my favorite part of his review was of my baby, Pest Control:
". . .“Pest Control” by Mark Harmon was amazing. So simple a premise, but spot on for theme, execution, and amusement. Easily tied with my favorite of the anthology, and to think this eight page story was Mark’s first comic. I could easily see this premise and story as an ongoing webcomic at the very least, if not a feature graphic novel in its own right. Simply put, it was fun and I’d love to read more of it. It had Octocrabs, a Were-beaver, and more gadgets packed into eight pages than you can name, what’s not to love?"
So there you have it, our first review. Like I said before, he didn't give us all glowing reviews, but I'm pretty dang proud of my comic "brothers-in-arms". I think we did fantastic for our second collaboration and publication. So, what are you waiting for, click on the title above and get yourself a copy. Enjoy.
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