He was a lot kinder to us in this review than the previous one. But, being kind all the time is not the best way to grow, right? So, it's good to get put through the ringer now and then.
Here's what he had to say about Pest Control:
". . .Pest Control by Mark Harmon is a delight, possibly my favourite story of the anthology. It too seems targeted at an all ages audience – Harmon’s biography tells us that this is his first comic after building up a body of work doing children’s books – but it shows the kind of wit, charm and energy that can excite children while keeping the grown-ups interested too. The story follows a pair of monster hunters going about their daily work, and is based mostly around a montage of increasingly absurd single-page battles. Simple enough, then, as far as the writing goes, but the joy really comes from Harmon’s art. You can tell he had a great time designing the various monsters that our intrepid heroes Conrad and Trigger do battle against. The stylised art is wonderfully expressive, and has a great flow and sense of energy about it. And the story is crammed with visual gags: the bank-robbing werebeaver makes me chuckle every time I look at it. The story wonderfully demonstrates the kind of boundless, unfiltered imagination comics can offer an ideal outlet for. Pest Control is a fun romp, and if Harmon is this adept with the tools at his disposal in his first comic, he’s only going to get better as he gains experience in the field."
Well, that's it for now. Looks like I'm on the right track. Let's hope that I can pull off The Incredible Flying Jellybean just as good as I did Pest Control. Enjoy.
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