Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to make a height adjustable X-Frame banner stand for $80

Here's the story. I bought a 3ft x 6ft vinyl banner from GotPrint and needed a banner stand to stick it on. Long story short, so we can cut to the chase, I bought the wrong banner stand from VistaPrint. This one:

When I got it I realized it wasn't going to work. I needed an "X-Frame" banner stand with hooks to fit the metal grommets in my vinyl banner. But, VistaPrint doesn't do returns, so I was stuck with a stand that was useless. So, I scoured the internets looking for an "X-Frame" stand. I found TONS and TONS. The problem with all of them was that they all started on the ground and I wanted my banner to start around waist high. So, I searched some more and came across the perfect one! This:

But, you see the same problem I do right? It's almost $400! Yeah, that's not going to work. But, that's when I had my flash of brilliance. Shut up, it happens sometimes. So, here is what I did. Through research I found a $30 "X-Frame" stand from Power Graphics in Utah. So, I bought this one:

Okay, here is where we get to the good part:


Step #1: 
Buy both stands mentioned above from VistaPrint (STAND A) and Power Graphics (STAND B). (if you find them cheaper somewhere else, then by all means, don't be stupid, get those ones instead)

Step #2:

Step #3:

Step #4:

Step #5: 
(ignore my girly hand)

Step #6:
(yes, I see the typo. Like you've never made one. It should say "stick IT into")

Step #7:

There you go! A height adjustable "X-Frame" banner stand for 80 bucks instead of $300-400. Hope this helps.

1 comment:

sign said...

Amazing how simple it can be to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.
